Saturday, December 26, 2009

Single...I think!

As some may know, I am very much single but I also have someone in my life that I love very dearly. He and I are not exclusive at all so I don't see a problem with dating other people. My problem is that I just really don't want to date at all. And that overall problem is that I just can't seem to meet anyone worth dating. Here are my major issues:

Issue #1: Everyone say that I don't smile enough and that I'm not approachable at all. But, what people fail to realize is that I don't walk around looking for somebody. I have a lot of things on my mind most of the time and sometimes I be on a mission. So, walking around with a big ass grin on my face and giving men a look ( u all know what i'm talking about), is the last thing that is on my mind.

Issue #2: Because of Issue #1 I decided to look online and see what happens. However, I've found that every damn dude wants to fuck and that's it. They feel like cause they wrote you one time telling you how beautiful you look in your picture, they deserve to meet you that night and have their way with I don't give away nothing for free...MY APOLOGIES!

Issue #3: Because I'm young and my accomplishments surpass my age, it more times than none hurts me in the end. Many guys my age have yet to even come close and then those that have are boo'd up, so that leaves me to those who I've already dated and those who can care less about what I've done with my life and are quite frankly not interested.

Issue #4: I HATE going backwards!!!!

That brings me to my present problem, the person that i'm with but not with I love him so very much and though Issue's 1-3 don't apply to him Issue 4 does. I LOVE moving forward however God has blessed me with a man that I love and I don't want to completely shut that out on the other hand I'm completely scared of any and every thing that may or may not happen. And that brings me to my final issue.

Issue #5: I'm scared of being hurt!!!

All of that then brings me to my next question: Do issues 1-4 stem from issue #5?

If I answer it myself i'm going to say yes!!! but why? I've always been open to love but shit after many right turns but the wrong results. I think I've mentally shut down?!?!?

It's been a while...

Hello ALL,

It's been a while and I do apologize for giving you something I couldn't give my all too. School just got too crazy and I got sick and everything else under the sun happened. But, I'm back and I'm better than ever with a whole lot of stuff on my mind. I'm trying to at least roll out 2 posts a week, so bear with me.

Love you all much!!!

oh and I also contribute to another blog so check us out!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Movie Review: Precious

Thursday after finals a group of social workers decided to go see Precious. As I sat down to watch the movie, all the reviews from other people came to mind. I immediately thought I was going to be crying for days and that when I left the theater I'd be asking why. The total opposite happened.

The first thing that opened my eyes was when Precious said, "i remember hearing one day that a successful journey started with one step."It made me feel that somewhere in her fucked up like she encountered someone who expressed to her that it didn't have to be like that. During the movie I felt as though maybe Precious knew all along that she wanted to bust her momma out for the crap she was doing but she needed someone she trusted to do that. When she came in contact with her "social worker", that seemed to be the person she trusted. She had been lying to so many people but in her eyes this "social worker" was going to be the person to save her.

However, what did bug me was how all the people that were trying to help Precious was light skinned (there's nothing completely wrong with that) but in this movie it depicted that dark skinned people were those who were trying to harm Precious and light skinned people where the ones who would save her (this view was first mentioned by @cthagod, when it was brought to my attention I couldn't believe it so I sat waiting on one dark skinned person to help her). Precious herself kept saying, "i want a light skinned boyfriend." I couldn't get past the fact that we are still not treating people like people. Within our own black race light skinned is good and dark skinned is bad. Why is that? And somewhere deep inside me knew that I was the only one out of the six of us that was thinking this. But, when I got home I thought to myself...there was a dark skinned person who helped her, there were numerous. The students in her class, they made her feel welcome they made her feel like she belonged. FRIENDS are the ones who help you the most whether they know it or not, and that was enough for me.

There were a couple of parts that made me cry and some parts where I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. But all in all, the movie didn't really move me. Maybe i've watched too many movies, read to many books, watched too much Lifetime, or came across too many people who have had the same problems Precious faced. But, it didn't move me. I didn't leave the theater with a new outlook on things. I was the same person I was when I walked in. Yet, my counter parts didn't seem to be the same people. One of them walked out the movie and stated, "After you heard what Precious' mother disclosed do you think you're strong enough to be a social worker, will you be able to hear what she says and not cry?" One by one they answered her and they all said they'd be fine but you could hear the uncertainty in their voice.

Then I started to think, can we ever hear too much of anyone's story and not feel some sort of way about it. Are we not suppose to cry? Or will it be like in Precious' case, as social workers if we cry our client then decides that we aren't strong enough to handle what is before us. In many cases if you cry you're seen as weak, not being able to handle what has been dealt to you, or you're just too damn sensitive. So my question to you is,

When is it okay to cry?

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Out with the OLD and in with, MODIFIED

So I've always battled with taking my ex's back. They're your ex for a reason right? However, recently I've come across a dilemma. One of my ex's (who shall remain nameless) got his shit somewhat together, he's changed for the good, and I LOVE IT! His out look on life has grown. He went from F**K the world to realizing the world wasn't to blame. Listening to him talk now it's like he's a completely different person. Is that possible? I know people can change but can they truly leave all their old ways behind. I mean we can sit and have real conversations for three hours every damn day. No arguing, no cussing, no hanging up on each other, shit no hanging up mad. He says I LOVE YOU as if I never left.

I sit and talk to him and like I said I love what I hear. But, I also remember the old him. I'm not one for holding the past against someone. And i'm not one to keep telling him what he did wrong. However, it all seems too damn sketchy. As a person i'm allowed to have doubts, and as a woman i'm allowed to question his genuineness.

I think the reason it seems to sketchy is cause he wants me to meet his mother. I've never meet anyone's mother on purpose LOL. I'm scared as hell and i'm not feeling it at all. I mean I've talked to her on the phone but, why can't it end there? Is it some kind of validation men are looking for when they ask you to meet their mother? and I am not saying that I am never going to meet anyone's mother but I think I'm feeling like, IS IT WORTH IT?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Second Strings

Okay......this has been bugging me for a while and I've been telling myself it isn't my place but as a WOMAN I'm still hella pissed off.

I can't stand when a "woman" speaks empowerment and creates songs about finding love and being hurt and being happy with her man when all the while she hugged up with another woman's man. And no I'm not limiting my comments to ALICIA KEYS {however she is the one who sparked my anger} I'm speaking of women in general. How can you speak on female empowerment when your bringing another female down. How can you find it in your heart to sing a song like "doesn't mean anything" when literally your saying to another WOMAN that she doesn't mean anything. How can you block out another woman's feelings for you own personal gain? How can you not put yourself in their shoes? At what point do you step back and say "That was wrong, what was I thinking?" or do you never second guess yourself so that you'll never have to feel the pain you just put that WOMAN through.

I was 17 when I slept with another WOMAN'S man. After I did the deed, I went to our local hangout and smiled right in her face like it didn't even matter. Like, what I did was okay{but again i was 17 not 30, i'm not giving excuses but at 30 you would think you have more sense...}. At 22, GOD showed me just what I did to that other girl and how I made her feel. I'm not saying that Alicia will get her day and I'm not sayin maybe Mashonda deserved it {I'm only speaking of these two because its the most open case}. But I am saying have that respect for that other woman if nothing else. If you feel justified with what you are doing even if your hurting someone else. Be a WOMAN and speak to that WOMAN WOMANLY. I'm not saying you owe her an explanation but, give her that respect. Falling in love with another woman's man is not OKAY but it does happen. But what also happens is LOVE gets confused with LUST.

And that is where you Second Strings start complicating things. Second Strings don't know/understand LOVE they've only been introduced to LUST. So when they are presented with LUST they act on it not knowing that it isn't LOVE. What they also fail to realize is that even if you have fallen for this man he belongs to someone else. Second Strings only care about themselves and they only see what's in front of them.

And no this is not letting the men off the hook. But it is understanding that as a woman you can't say you wanna build women up to be strong beautiful powerful women and knock them down in the next sentence.

I do understand that it is easy for someone to portray what they want to be in front of those they don't know. But, isn't easier to just be you all the way around?

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


I was sitting in my office the other day listening to Usher's song PAPERS and one of my close co-workers came in and said "i can't believe you were listening to that song. That's the worse song Usher has ever one cares about him and his damn divorce." I sat and I thought about what he said and I couldn't help but say..."If that's all you got out of that song then i'm sorry."

For me it wasn't about his divorce and it wasn't about him and Tameka. It was about losing yourself in someone else. It was about changing yourself to fit someone else's view and they still got a damn problem wit it.

Have you ever been in a situation where all you wanna do is love and be loved, but when you find it you don't realize it ain't for you, but you can't see that cause you want it (love) so bad?

It sucks that people can listen to a song and immediately draw conclusions because you've heard about all this stuff that happened in this persons life. Music can be interpreted in many different ways and have many different views/meanings. And it saddens me that people assume that because someone is getting a divorce and they write a song that that's all the song has to offer. Dig deeper people.